Join me for empowering events
Become A Goal Digger
6-Week Coaching Program
June 3 - July 12th
By signing up for the GOAL DIGGER program you’ll feel empowered to overcome your fear and excuses, get into action, and achieve your awesome goal!
Over the six weeks, I will help you:
Get a crystal clear vision of your goal and why you want it so badly
Get out of your comfort zone and into your kickin’ booty zone
Identify and rewire self-sabotaging thoughts and excuses holding you back
Turn your big goal into small, manageable steps so you are continually moving forward without feeling so overwhelmed
Sharpen your time-management skills and overall attitude towards time
Lose the habits that aren't working for you and create new habits that leave you feeling energized
Stay laser-focused, keeping your motivation high and your heart open to propel you along your awesome journey!
Amy’s Goal Digger program has helped me so much!
“Amy’s Goal Digger program has helped me so much! Sometimes there are things/words/situations/people that trigger me into a downward spiral. My heart races and my mind goes round and round with negative thoughts of myself. So much so that I often have trouble sleeping. Amy helped me realize important key pieces. I can’t control what others say. And I am in control of my own thoughts. She guided me on this 6 week journey with journal prompts that helped me tremendously. And her weekly personal phone calls, I can’t even explain but I’ll try! She handled the first call with all my tears so gracefully and guided me every week after to where I learned to better understand myself and my thoughts. I have since gotten those pesky negative thoughts under control! And I am sleeping so much better. I am even finding it easier to relax and meditate. And my blood pressure is better since completing this program! True story! I finished Goal Digger a while ago and yesterday some words triggered me, making my heart race. But instead of spiraling downwards, I used the useful tools I learned from Amy and my thoughts and my reactions were good and I am so grateful for that!”
Mary, Illinois
The BARE Method
7-Week Virtual Coaching Program
At this time registration is currently closed. Next open registration coming soon…
Sign up for the empowering group coaching program that’s helped thousands of women transform their bodies, get more energy, feel amazing, and become the bravest, most unstoppable versions of themselves! You will receive coaching 2 times a week from Amy, along with valuable worksheets that will walk you through an easy and transformative 7-week process where you’ll get real results.
NOTE: Before the event, you will also need to get your hands on a copy of the BARE book by Susan Hyatt from your local library, nearest bookstore or audiobook.